Get the Most Bang for Your Bed: How Long Will Your Mattress and Bedding Last?

It’s a common misconception that your mattress and bedding will last forever – but don’t be fooled! A good mattress should last you between seven and ten years, while high-quality bedding can usually last up to three or four years with proper care. But don’t worry, there are plenty of ways to extend the life of your stuff and make sure you sleep soundly for as long as possible.

First things first, make sure your mattress is well ventilated, so air can flow through it easily. This is especially important if you live in a humid climate, or if you’re a hot sleeper. Secondly, rotate your mattress regularly – this will help to prevent permanent indentations and keep your mattress feeling fresh. Finally, invest in a good mattress protector – something that’s waterproof, dust mite proof and breathable. It’ll help keep your mattress in tip-top condition for longer.

When it comes to bedding, wash it on a regular basis. This not only keeps it looking and feeling good, it also gets rid of any dust mites or allergens that might be lurking. If you want to make sure your bedding lasts even longer, try investing in a duvet protector. You won’t have to wash your duvet as often, and you’ll be able to keep it looking (and smelling) fresh.

So, in conclusion, it might sound like a lot to keep on top of, but looking after your mattress and bedding will make sure you get a good night’s sleep for years to come.

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